Sel Gris de Guérande (Tamisé Grain) features a lovely grey hue that comes from its extremely high level of minerals and nutrients. This salt is a medium-sized crystal that is carefully sifted from the brut grains and is comparable to the size of Fleur de Sel. The moist crystals will dissolve quickly into your favorite recipes. It is totally natural and certified organic by France’s Nature & Progrés, the most rigorous salt certification process, which equates to purity and quality. Product of Guérande, France.
Add a slight crunch to your dish by using Sel Gris as a finishing salt. It is also used in baking breads, soups and sauces. Add to a spice blends, season meats and seafood boils, use as salt cures and in brines.
2.6 oz.
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